From Monday 22 to Friday 26 July, we had our Holiday Bible Club – “Ready, steady GO for GOD”.

Children singing the theme chorus of the Holiday Bible Club: “No Other Name”
On 28th July, we were visited by Rev. Treese and company from Virginia, USA. Their anointed ministry in song and the Word was a real blessing and challenge to our hearts. Rev. Treese brought a message entitled ‘ A Greater than Solomon is Here’, which you can listen to below.

It was a real joy to receive three new members into our Church fellowship on Sunday 5 May. May the Lord richly bless and greatly use Jonah, Freddie and Jean in the days ahead as we ‘labour together with Him.’
On Sunday 15th December we had our family service. You can listen to it here:
On Sunday 22 December we had a carol service. You can listen to it here: